Microsoft Word - FORM07-Nomination-Notice-Covid-19-ENGLISH-072320-FINAL
Nomination Notice
Nominations meetings may be affected by government response to the Covid-19 pandemic, including change in location, limitation on the number of attendees and use of video conferencing. Members wishing to attend their union’s nomination meeting should contact their Local Union for updated information regarding any changes to the procedures for conducting the nominations meetings. Members wishing to nominate, second or accept nomination ARE STRONGLY URGED to submit nominations, seconds or nomination acceptances in writing as provided in the Local Union Election Plan.
Local Union 4100
Nomination of candidates for 4 delegate(s) and 4 alternate delegate(s) to the June 2021 # # International Brotherhood of Teamsters Convention in Las Vegas, NV, will be held on:
Date: Wednesday, January 20, 2021 Time: 10:00 am Location: 521 SE 10th st, Newton, KS 67114 The expenses of sending all delegates to the IBT Convention will be paid by the Local Union. The expenses of sending 4 alternate delegates will be paid by the Local Union. # Eligibility to Nominate To be eligible to nominate or second, a member must have paid dues through December 2020 . (The month to be inserted is the month prior to the month of thenominations meeting.) Month Dues and arrearages must be paid by 5:00 pm on 01 /_ 19 / 2021at _ 521 SE 10th st, Newton KS 67114. Time Date Location (Refer to the Approved Local Union Plan for deadline for payment of duesarrearages.)
Eligibility to Run
To be eligible to run for delegate or alternate delegate, a member must: Be a member in continuous good standing of the Local Union, with one’s dues paid to the Local Union for a period of twenty-four (24) consecutive months prior to the month of nomination with no interruptions in active membership due to suspensions, expulsions, withdrawals, transfers or failure to pay fines or assessments; Be employed at the craft within the jurisdiction of the Local Union for a period of twenty-four (24) consecutive months prior to the month of nomination; and Be otherwise eligible to serve if elected. It is strongly recommended that each prospective nominee request advance verification of his/her eligibility to run for delegate or alternate delegate. The request should be made in writing to the Election Supervisor as soon as possible, but in no event less than five (5) working days prior to the nomination meeting. The Election Supervisor will not be able to verify eligibility of any prospective nominee who requests verification less than five (5) working days prior to the nomination meeting.
Method of Nomination Delegate candidates will be nominated and seconded separately from alternate delegate candidates. All nominations for delegate and alternate delegate shall be at large. Any member may: Be nominated and seconded orally from the floor by members in good standing other than the nominee; or, Be nominated and seconded in writing by members in good standing, other than the nominee. The use of Election Supervisor Form 44 (available under “Official Forms� at is encouraged but not required. Written nominations and seconds must be submitted or emailed to the Local Union Secretary-Treasurer so as to be received no later than 5:00 p.m. of the day before the day of the nominations meeting (if the meeting is scheduled to occur after 5:00 p.m., the written nomination or second must be received by the Local Union Secretary-Treasurer no later than 5:00 p.m. of the day of the meeting); State whether it is a nomination or a second; Identify the name of the person being nominated or seconded; Identify if the nomination or second is for delegate or alternate delegate; Be signed by and include the full street address of the nominator or seconder (an email with a scanned or smart-phone-photographed signature is acceptable). Nominators or seconds may include, at their option, the last four digits of their SSN/SIN and; Be treated by the presiding officer as if it had been made from the floor.
Nominate or second more than one candidate; Be nominated or seconded by more than one member; Decline to be nominated or seconded by a particular person or persons.
Any member who intends to nominate or second a candidate may also request that the Election Supervisor verify his/her eligibility to do so. All such requests must be in writing and must be received by the Election Supervisor no less than five (5) days prior to the nominationmeeting.
Acceptance of Nomination A nominee may accept either: In person at the meeting, or in writing. If acceptance is made in writing, the acceptance document must include the nominee’s name, position for which he or she is accepting nomination, full street address and signature. Acceptors may include, at their option, the last four digits of their SSN/SIN. The acceptance document must be presented to the presiding Local Union officer no later than the time the member is nominated. Any member present at the meeting may produce the written acceptance at the time the member is nominated. If no one is to be present to produce the written acceptance, emailed, faxed, or mailed acceptances should be sent so as to be received no later than the time the meeting is scheduled to begin. For written acceptances, the use of Election Supervisor Form 44 (available under “Official Forms� at is encouraged but not required.
No member may accept nomination for both delegate and alternate delegate. Any candidate for delegate and alternate delegate is permitted to run as a member of a slate, which is defined as any grouping by mutual consent of two or more candidates. To qualify on the election ballot as a slate, a Slate Declaration Form (Election Supervisor Form 10, which is available from the Secretary-Treasurer or the Election Supervisor at the, must be completed and submitted to the Secretary-Treasurer, with a copy to the Election Supervisor, no later than three (3) days after the Local Union’s final nominations meeting.
Any attempt by a person or entity to limit, interfere or retaliate against any IBT member for exercising the right to nominate, second or run as a delegate or alternate delegate, may result in disqualification of a candidate who benefits from the violation, imposition of criminal penalties under federal law and/or other consequences or remedy.
For additional information relating to the nomination or election process for IBT International Delegates or Alternates, please contact your Local Union Secretary-Treasurer, the Election Supervisor, or the Election Supervisor Regional Director.
The Election Supervisor may be contacted at: Office of the Election Supervisor for the International Brotherhood of Teamsters 1990 M Street, NW, Suite 650 Washington, DC 20036 844-428-8683 Toll Free | Contact the OES Regional Director at: Name: Jim Devine Address: 4110 E Cortez Street Phoenix, AZ 85028 Phone: 703 599-0645 Email: | IMPORTANT NOTE: If the nomination meeting occurs in the period immediately after the holiday season (January 4-15, 2021), eligibility review should be requested before December 18, 2020. Requests made during the last weeks of December may be delayed due to employer office closings or holiday schedules. Any member seeking OES review of eligibility to be a candidate for delegate or alternate delegate or to nominate or second candidates for either office is urged to submit a request for review to the Office of the Election Supervisor as soon as possible. |